With Neo-IV Presidents

Tyrol to become one of the top 20 industrial regions

25.05.2024 12:00

Despite the difficult economic environment, the new President of the Tyrolean Federation of Industry is looking forward to his tasks. Among other things, a strategic action program should help to strengthen the industrial location.

Companies are shifting investments abroad, international orders are failing to materialize due to weak global demand and expensive wages and energy prices that are still high compared to other countries are currently putting domestic companies under massive pressure. Added to this is the dwindling motivation of some employees. As the newly elected President of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) in Tyrol, 60-year-old Max Kloger wants to prevent emigration and make our province one of the top 20 industrial regions in Europe by 2030. "We are currently in 30th place compared to similarly structured regions," explains the Styrian native, who has been head of Tiroler Rohre in Hall for many years.

The new IV President Max Kloger (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
The new IV President Max Kloger

Upper Austria a role model in many areas
In order to achieve this ambitious goal, Kloger and his team have developed a strategic action program that will serve as a guideline for the further development of the industrial location for both the IV and domestic politics.

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We need to get more women into technology. However, childcare is still not sufficiently developed in our country. The situation is different in Finland and Estonia.

(Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)

IV-Geschäftsführer Michael Mairhofer

24 key projects were defined in the five fields of action, which are to be implemented in the coming months and years. Among other things, the newly elected IV President believes that administrative and procedural simplification must be achieved. "Upper Austria, which is currently in 19th place in the ranking, is miles ahead of us," says Kloger. However, it should be easy to establish digital solutions in Tyrol that have proven themselves there.

However, the specific performance indicators and goals of the projects should be evaluated on an ongoing basis. "In recent years, we have seen how quickly and abruptly the framework conditions for the industry can change. That's why it was important to me to understand our new industrial strategy as a living process in which goals and targets are not rigidly anchored, but adapt to the needs and challenges of the time," emphasizes Kloger.

"Prosperity is not possible with less work"
And how does the new IV President see a possible reduction in working hours in the industry? "With less work, prosperity will no longer be possible under the current conditions," believes the father of four. Kloger is firmly convinced that "many key workers in particular will have to work even more in the future".

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read the original article here.

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