Secret revealed

These “Bridgerton” stars are a couple!

23.05.2024 11:01

What would Lady Whistledown say? Because in the 3rd season of "Bridgerton", things were not only sizzling in front of the camera, but also behind it. Two stars of the cult series are said to be secretly in a relationship.

With so much love in front of the camera on "Bridgerton", it's almost understandable that feelings are also simmering behind the camera. It's no wonder that two stars of the Netflix cult series, which has just started its third season, have found each other.

Met on the set
As the Daily Mail reported, Bessie Carter, who plays Prudence Featherington, Penelope Featherington's sister, and Sam Phillips, who can be seen as Penelope's suitor Lord Delbing in the current season, are secretly in a relationship - and have been for some time.

Bessie Carter at the premiere of the new "Bridgerton" season (Bild: APA/AFP/ANDREA RENAULT)
Bessie Carter at the premiere of the new "Bridgerton" season

According to the British newspaper, sparks flew during filming and Carter moved in with her series colleague three months after filming finished last year.

The two "Bridgerton" stars have been able to keep their relationship a secret in recent months. Even though they have been spotted together several times.

Sam Phillips and Bessie Carter with Carter's parents Imelda Staunton and Jim Carter at the premiere of "Wonka" (Bild: Peters / PA)
Sam Phillips and Bessie Carter with Carter's parents Imelda Staunton and Jim Carter at the premiere of "Wonka"

Among other things, the two attended the "Wonka" premiere at the end of last year together with Carter's famous parents, "Harry Potter" actress Imelda Staunton and "Downton Abbey" star Jim Carter.

Part two is coming in June
In the third season of "Bridgerton", the focus shifts to Penelope Featherington, played by Nicola Coughlan. She finally wants to find a man and gets help from Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton), of all people, with whom she is secretly in love.

The first four episodes of season 3 are already available on Netflix, with part 2 starting on June 13.

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read the original article here.

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