"Damage to the team"

Ex-Bayern sports director: “It started with Hernandez”

22.05.2024 20:08

The former sporting director of FC Bayern Munich, Christian Nerlinger, has identified the beginning of the wrong turn at the record champions with the 80 million transfer of Lucas Hernandez. Now is the time to "address uncomfortable truths".

Nerlinger believes that the current problems at Bayern are primarily within the team. A development that the former sporting director links to a specific transfer, as he revealed to "Sport Bild": "The most serious thing for me is an undesirable development within the team and in terms of transfers. It started with the signing of Lucas Hernández in 2019 for 80 million euros."

Christian Nerlinger (Bild: AFP/AFP PHOTO JOHN MACDOUGALL )
Christian Nerlinger

The 51-year-old is certain that this transfer has permanently damaged the structure of the team. He himself was first team manager and then sports director at the Munich club from 2008 to 2012. Back then, Nerlinger had experienced how to build a successful team. "When I think back to the team we built when BVB hurt us, there were clear pillars," said the 51-year-old. These included Manuel Neuer, David Alaba, Bastian Schweinsteiger and captain Philipp Lahm.

Where are the "pillars"?
Today, however, the team has lost these "pillars". The basis of all evil, as Nerlinger sees it: "I can only think of two players, Neuer and Harry Kane. The rest were either neglected to make the players strong - like Kimmich, Goretzka or, most recently, Müller - or, in my opinion, average players were signed for far too high transfer fees and salaries."

According to Nerlinger, Harry Kane is one of the only two leading figures at the record champions. (Bild: APA/AFP/LUKAS BARTH)
According to Nerlinger, Harry Kane is one of the only two leading figures at the record champions.

Now, according to the former Bayern manager, it is important to take the right steps. The club must get back to a point where there is a structure with real leaders. These must have the courage to speak uncomfortable truths internally and be heard. Nerlinger is certain that a new beginning can be achieved in this way.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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