A touch of nothing

Rebecca Mir’s nude outfit fell through with fans

22.05.2024 14:43

Last week, Rebecca Mir enchanted fans in a purple latex dress on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival. However, her latest, very daring outfit fell through with fans.

Rebecca Mir made a wonderful appearance at the "Megalopolis" premiere last week and was celebrated by her fans for her sexy outfit. But it's a completely different story with her latest Cannes look, which the model beauty and presenter presented to her followers on Instagram.

Rebecca Mir in a naked skirt
Mir wore a hint of nothing with a beige blazer. To be more precise: black underwear and a transparent, skin-colored skirt. "Please welcome the naked skirt," the 32-year-old wrote on the series of pictures.

And although the "taff" presenter staged her outfit perfectly, fans couldn't really get to grips with the look. "Sorry, can't welcome it, a blazer on underwear ... looks out of place everywhere", one fan grumbled.

"You look gorgeous as always"
And he was not alone in his criticism. Another added: "It's ridiculous what is sold as fashion." And yet another said: "I always don't understand clothes like that. Then you can just leave it at that."

Others at least turned the criticism into a compliment for Mir. One fan wrote: "I don't even like the skirt on you, although you look gorgeous as always."

Mir walked the red carpet in this exciting dress last week in Cannes. (Bild: www.viennareport.at)
Mir walked the red carpet in this exciting dress last week in Cannes.

Nevertheless, Mir was delighted to receive numerous smiley faces with little heart eyes. And one fan raved: "Breathtakingly beautiful!", while another sighed: "Wonderful!"

Hadid in the naked look too
Even if Rebecca Mir's fans are making fun of her outfit in the comments, nude looks like the model's are very much in vogue at the moment - and are particularly popular with celebrities.

Just at the beginning of the week, Bella Hadid appeared in a daring dress by Saint Laurent on the red carpet in front of the Festspielhaus, causing a flurry of flashbulbs.

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