Unkempt glam look

Charlotte Casiraghi with shaggy hair in Cannes

22.05.2024 14:03

Charlotte Casiraghi (37) wowed with her choice of clothes at a film premiere in Cannes, but her hair styling was surprising.

Charlotte Casiraghi was radiant in Cannes, but one particular detail stood out. The daughter of Caroline von Hannover walked the red carpet on Tuesday at the premiere of "Marcello Mio".

Beautiful Chanel gown on the red carpet
For the special occasion, the Monegasque chose a summery white gown by Chanel, which stood out with a leg slit and shiny silver buttons. Casiraghi's choice of dress was reminiscent of her grandmother Grace Kelly, who was known for her great fashionable elegance.

Carisaghi's elegant choice of gown caused quite a stir. (Bild: picturedesk.com/Sabatelli, Lucia / Action Press / picturedesk.com)
Carisaghi's elegant choice of gown caused quite a stir.
Her rather shaggy hairstyling, however, was less so. (Bild: AFP/ APA/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Her rather shaggy hairstyling, however, was less so.

Shaggy look to glamorous outfit
But one detail set the 37-year-old apart from the other guests at the premiere. Instead of an elaborate hairstyle, the Monegasque's hair looked unstyled - her long brown mane fell almost unkempt over her shoulders.

The 37-year-old's hair fell almost unkempt over her shoulders. (Bild: AFP/APA/LOIC VENANCE)
The 37-year-old's hair fell almost unkempt over her shoulders.

On the other hand, the Monegasque opted for glamorous accessories. Both her bag, which she held casually in her hand, and her statement earrings were encrusted with sparkling stones. Combed or unkempt: Even unstyled, the mom of two is a real looker, as she proved on the red carpet.

Dream looks at the "Marcello Mio" premiere
Charlotte Casiraghi was not the only one to cause a stir with her look at the premiere. Models Alessandra Ambrosio and Barbara Palvin also caused a flurry of flashbulbs. Ambrosio stood out in a beautiful tight pink dress with black bows.

Alessandra Ambrosio enchanted in a fantastic pink dress. (Bild: AFP/APA/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Alessandra Ambrosio enchanted in a fantastic pink dress.
Barbara Palvin shone in a light blue dream dress. (Bild: AFP/APA/Sameer Al-Doumy)
Barbara Palvin shone in a light blue dream dress.

Unlike Casiraghi, she had her hair tied back in a loose bun. Palvin enchanted in an airy light blue dress. She posed seductively for the photographers on the red carpet.

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