14th restaurant

Kentucky Fried Chicken opens in Wels

22.05.2024 13:33

"Hello Wels" is the motto on Wednesday when the well-known restaurant chain KFC opens the doors of its newest branch at Hans Sachs-Straße 103. Michi Skopek is expected to test the restaurant and share his impressions on Tik Tok from 5 pm. To coincide with the opening ceremony, krone.at is also giving away a limited edition pair of KFC sneakers!

In its newest restaurant in Wels, KFC wants to offer guests a unique culinary experience in a modern and inviting ambience, as the company promises in a press release. With around 140 seats, the restaurant offers enough space for families, friends and individual guests who want to relax in an appealing and comfortable environment. The Wels branch is open from Monday to Sunday.

(Bild: Queensway Europe)

Modern drive-thru with KFC Cafe and garden area
A particular highlight of the new KFC in Hans Sachs-Straße is the modern drive-thru, which also includes a café and a garden area that invites guests to linger on sunny days.

(Bild: Queensway Europe)
(Bild: Queensway Europe)
(Bild: Queensway Europe)

The new restaurant aims to impress diners with its modern design, ample lighting and cozy atmosphere. So-called Hot&spicy design elements provide the familiar KFC flair. The product range extends from burgers, wraps and bowls to the world-famous KFC Bucket. The dishes are prepared according to three unique recipes and offer the right product for every taste, from crispy and spicy to hot & spicy.

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