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Get your starting place for the Silvretta Ferwall March

23.05.2024 05:49

August 24 is the day: the Silvretta Ferwall March is calling and offers all hiking enthusiasts a unique experience in the Tyrolean mountains. Once again this year, the "Krone" is giving away starting places for this spectacular event.

The Silvretta Ferwall March in Galtür has been offering a unique hiking experience in the Tyrolean Alps for over 50 years. This event attracts nature lovers from all over the world to discover the diversity of the Silvretta region. There are various routes available that appeal to both beginners and experienced hikers. The routes range from easy and family-friendly to demanding trails for those looking for a challenge.

Galtür is the destination

The 51st Silvretta Ferwall March takes all participants, depending on their fitness level, on one of four impressive routes from Ischgl to Galtür. An experience of nature against a spectacular mountain backdrop included. In addition to the marathon route (42.195 kilometers and 1955 vertical meters), there is also a choice of the family route (13.5 kilometers and 150 vertical meters), the Silvretta route (19.2 kilometers and 618 vertical meters) and the Ferwall route (32.7 kilometers and 1,199 vertical meters).

The entry fee for adults is 27 euros, while children and young people up to the age of 17 have to pay a fee of 23 euros. Children under the age of five can take part free of charge. Included in the entry fee: Refreshments, regional snacks from the Genussregion at the refreshment stations along the route, a functional shirt and a hiking medal. You can find more information about the Silvretta Ferwall Marsch HERE.

Hiking for a good cause
During the march, participants can experience the breathtaking Alpine landscape, including picturesque alpine meadows and majestic peaks, as well as the local flora and fauna. The Silvretta Ferwall March combines the experience of nature with personal adventures and creates long-lasting memories. On top of that, participants are also supporting a good cause by taking part. For many years, participants' medals have been produced in the sheltered workshop in Tyrol, which creates market-oriented jobs for people with disabilities.

(Bild: flo mitteregger)
(Bild: flo mitteregger)

Take part and win
With the "Krone" you now have the chance to win one of 10 starting places for your desired distance. Simply select the desired distance in the form below and with a little luck you will be one of the lucky winners. The closing date for entries is June 6, 09:00.

The competition is closed. Thank you for your numerous entries.

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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