Rant over arrest warrant

Netanyahu about chief prosecutor: “Big anti-Semite”

21.05.2024 17:39

There is sheer horror in the Israeli government over an international arrest warrant against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Joav Gallant. Netanyahu launched fierce attacks against the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, describing him as "one of the great anti-Semites of modern times". The Israeli population is divided in its reaction. Some would like to see their prime minister on trial (see video above).

In a video message published in English late on Monday evening, Netanyahu said that Khan was "callously pouring oil on the fires of anti-Semitism that are raging around the world". Netanyahu even compared Khan to the Nazi executioners. "He now stands shoulder to shoulder with those infamous German judges who donned their robes and stood up for laws that denied the Jewish people the most basic rights and enabled the Nazis to commit the worst crime in history." The 74-year-old emphasized that, in contrast to the Holocaust, the Jewish people could and would fight back this time.

Hostility towards chief prosecutor Karim Khan (Bild: APA/AFP/Luis ACOSTA)
Hostility towards chief prosecutor Karim Khan

Defense Minister: "Disgusting parallel"
Defense Minister Gallant also condemned the application for arrest warrants against him and Netanyahu. However, these still have to be approved by a panel of judges. "Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan's attempt to turn things around will not succeed," Gallant said on Tuesday, according to his office. "The parallel he has drawn between the terrorist organization Hamas and the state of Israel is abhorrent."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the sights of the chief prosecutor (Bild: APA/AFP/POOL/Leo Correa)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the sights of the chief prosecutor
Defense Minister Joav Gallant in the sights of the chief prosecutor (Bild: APA/AFP/GIL COHEN-MAGEN)
Defense Minister Joav Gallant in the sights of the chief prosecutor

Israel does not recognize court
Israel does not recognize the authority of the court, Gallant continued. Khan wanted to deny the state of Israel the right to self-defense and the return of the hostages. Israel is fighting against a brutal terrorist organization that has committed atrocities against Israeli children, women and men and is now abusing its own people as a shield, Gallant said. "The Israeli army is fighting in accordance with international law and is taking unprecedented measures to facilitate humanitarian aid."

Arrest warrant also against Hamas leader
Chief Prosecutor Khan is prosecuting crimes committed during the Gaza war. Netanyahu and Gallant are accused by him, among other things, of being responsible for starving civilians as a method of warfare as well as for arbitrary killings and targeted attacks on civilians. Khan also applied for arrest warrants against the Gaza head of Hamas, Jihia al-Sinwar, the foreign head Ismail Haniyeh and Sinwar's deputy Mohammed Deif.

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