Practice in Imola

Grand Prix in Imola: First practice – 1.30 pm

17.05.2024 04:55

Charles Leclerc dominated the first day of Formula 1 testing at Ferrari's home race in Imola. The Monegasque also set the fastest time on Friday in the second practice session at the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari in 1:15.906 minutes.

The Ferrari driver was faster than Oscar Piastri (+0.192) in the McLaren and Racing Bulls driver Yuki Tsunoda (+0.380). Triple world champion Max Verstappen in the Red Bull, on the other hand, had problems with his car and had to settle for fifth and seventh place.

Verstappen has problems
The Dutchman made two driving errors in the first practice session, which cost him a faster lap. "The first practice session was mixed. Apart from two or three corners in sector 2, where the car reacted unpredictably for Max, the car was faster," said Red Bull motorsport consultant Helmut Marko on ServusTV.

(Bild: AFP/Hector RETAMAL)

Verstappen did not feel comfortable in the second session either. "My God, I don't know either. It's all so difficult this time," the four-time season winner radioed to the pits, dissatisfied and complaining about the lack of balance in his car. Shortly before the end of the session, Verstappen found himself in the gravel again.

The final result:

Meanwhile, Ferrari were delighted with a successful start to their home race. The Scuderia brought a major update package to the Emiglia-Romagna Grand Prix, the first race of the season in Europe. Verstappen leads the championship standings ahead of the seventh GP of the season on Sunday (15:00/live ServusTV and Sky) with a 33-point advantage over his Red Bull team-mate Sergio Perez. Leclerc is 38 points behind in third place.

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