Fan dream shattered

Pep makes it clear: “Returning to Bayern is not an option”

07.05.2024 08:59

Pep Guardiola has nipped the nascent rumors of a return to FC Bayern in the bud. On Monday, the Spaniard emphasized that he will remain coach of Manchester City next season and that a return to Munich is not an option. In doing so, he dashed the cautious dreams of many Bayern fans.

There is simply no peace at Bayern. The season remains a rollercoaster ride in terms of play. And the planning for the new season behind the scenes has also been characterized by setbacks. It is still not clear who will coach the record champions next season. New names are constantly being mentioned, and the Munich team is constantly being turned down.

This also applies to Pep Guardiola. Rumors of a spectacular return of the iconic coach have persisted over the past few days, making the eyes of some Bayern fans light up. The speculation was fueled by a statement from sporting director Max Eberl, who spoke of an "unexpected door" that had opened for Bayern with regard to the coaching issue.

But one option remains
However, it is now clear: Pep will not step out of this door! The Man City coach's management made it clear to Sky: "Pep has FC Bayern in his heart, but he does not want to leave Manchester City this summer. He is very happy and has a contract until 2025. A return to FC Bayern is not an option."

However, the option of returning next year remains as a back door. Guardiola has not yet wanted to extend his contract, which expires in the summer of 2025. But even in this case, Munich would need an interim solution. This could be Erik ten Hag. Although the Dutchman is not currently enjoying any great sporting success with Manchester United, Bayern are said to have made contact with him.

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