Five years in prison

Rabid Mühlviertler shot at car with a brick

06.05.2024 06:00

A man from Mühlviertel has to answer for his actions at the trial in Linz on Monday after he went berserk last January and not only shot a roof tile at the car of a 28-year-old woman. He also attacked police officers with a knife and soiled the police car.

The 56-year-old from Lasberg is facing up to five years in prison for allegedly throwing a roof tile at the windshield of the 28-year-old's car on January 2 while she was driving along a country lane.

18 centimeter long knife
But that was not all: when he was taken into police custody, he put up massive resistance. "According to the indictment, he resisted the recording of the facts and his arrest by standing in his doorway with a knife with an 18-centimetre-long blade and pointing the weapon threateningly in the direction of the five police officers who had been alerted," said the judge and spokesman for the Linz Regional Court, Walter Eichinger.

Urination in the "harbor car"
He also allegedly went on the rampage, approached an officer with wildly gesticulating arms, spat in the face of another officer and, after being handcuffed, kicked at the officers with his feet and insulted them in the most crude manner. The thuggish 56-year-old also refused to calm down in the police van: According to the indictment, he had coked all over the van.

Not confessing
The man from Mühlviertel, who has not yet confessed, has to answer for endangering physical safety, resisting public authority, insulting others and damaging property on Monday morning.

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