WWF calls for a stop

Are plans for Isel power plants about to be abandoned?

27.04.2024 14:02

The nature conservation organization WWF is calling on the Tyrolean state government to stop the planning of power plants on the East Tyrolean river.

Nature and environmental conservationists from the WWF are not very happy about the plans for new hydroelectric power plants along the Isel and its tributaries such as the Kalserbach. "The glacial river system of the Isel is essential for ecological stability and biodiversity in the Alpine water network," says Bettina Urbanek, water protection expert at WWF Austria.

The nature conservation organization is therefore calling on the Tyrolean government not only to stop all plans for power plant construction on the Isel, but also to develop concrete protection measures for the partially protected area.

WWF: "Numerous animal species under threat"
After all, the Isel is one of the last three areas, along with the Lech in Tyrol and the Tagliamento in northern Italy, where the riparian marsh marsh still occurs. "In addition, numerous animal species live in the river, including bullheads and grayling. These will be deprived of their habitat," warns the environmentalist.

It was only four years ago that WWF activists in East Tyrol were able to celebrate a considerable success. The Federal Administrative Court overturned the plans for a power plant project in the Upper Isel area. And even then, the conservationists demanded that the entire glacier river system be placed under nature protection. So far, however, without much success.

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