Stipsits and Gernot

Two rascals make Prohaska and co. laugh

23.04.2024 12:00

Two funny rascals have come together to no longer fill the halls of the Republic alone, but together. On Tuesday evening, entertainers Thomas Stipsits and Viktor Gernot did it "for the first time" - celebrity or not, the numerous guests were thrilled.

Nobody from the Austrian celebrity scene wanted to miss the premiere of "Lotterbuben". In addition to family, friends and excited guests, there were also a few familiar faces in attendance. From former sports aces such as Hans Krankl and Herbert Prohaska to colleagues like Eva Maria Marold, everyone was at the Vienna Globe to listen to the two arch-comedians Thomas Stipsits and Viktor Gernot.

Decades on the stage paid off
The very first performance was sold out: "The leap of faith comes from four, or in your case two and a half decades of service to the public," Gernot explained proudly just before he took to the stage. "But you still get excited. I've even asked older colleagues what they do about it or whether it ever stops. Unfortunately not," added Stipsits.

The two don't pay much attention to the opinions of critics, so what's the fear of? "Fear of dropping dead", laughed Gernot, "Well, stage fright is simply irrational!"

Two lovable cats
Their fears proved to be unfounded, the audience was thrilled by the two lottery jacks, even though they had to explain this again at the beginning: "A lottery jack is a rascal. A rascal, but a lovable one, but also sometimes demonic ...

Someone who sometimes swims against the tide. In other words, a rascal who is definitely not boring!" mused Stipsits, until his stage partner dared to interrupt him and got to the point: "In Viennese, you would say 'a charming Krätzn'"

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