Minister Tanner:

“Peace and freedom cannot be taken for granted”

17.04.2024 21:15

The ÖVP's Defense Minister was a guest on "Rainer Nowak Talk". Colonel Markus Reisner and "Krone" military expert Paul Tikal discussed with her.

Security. The big topic for Rainer Nowak in the current edition on Federal Minister Klaudia Tanner: "The world is out of joint, and we in Austria also have to prepare ourselves accordingly. That is why we have also invested accordingly in our defense." The focus is on concerns about an escalation in Ukraine and the Middle East. Core task is national defense.

Minister Klaudia Tanner (Bild:
Minister Klaudia Tanner

The current security strategy dates back to 2013. Nowak asked why it had not yet been adapted. "You would have to ask the Green coalition partner. But a paper alone will not make us safer anyway. Every extra euro will make us safer," said the minister.

Colonel Reisner assisted. We should not always develop new papers, but instead build on the tried and tested. "In any case, we are no longer an island of the blessed. Europe must realize what its role is. Also in relation to Ukraine. The USA is not playing the offensive role that was perhaps expected. As Austria, we are in the middle of it and not just there. The parties need to think about how to become active in Europe."

Colonel Markus Reisner (Bild:
Colonel Markus Reisner

Money alone is not enough, you have to know what you are defending. In addition to the budget, you also need personnel. It was therefore very wise to speak out in favor of compulsory military service, said the minister. "Krone" expert Paul Tikal criticized the Austrian approach. A majority would not want to defend the country with a weapon, but would expect help from outside. According to a recent survey.

The minister explained this by the fact that for so long, Austria considered itself to be an island of the blessed in the middle of Europe. "We have to convey to the next generation that peace, freedom and democracy cannot be taken for granted."

New equipment as a personnel magnet
Reisner also explained the lack of "willingness to fight" by the fact that, until recently, they had equipment that made it difficult to survive in the field. A lot has now been invested and this will also have an impact if the worst comes to the worst, which nobody wants. "A lot is being done, but it takes time. Nevertheless, I notice a great deal of motivation. It is up to us to continue to motivate and inspire the recruits." Minister Tanner: "The new equipment also attracts new recruits."

Military expert Paul Tikal, Colonel Markus Reisner and Minister of Defense from the ÖVP, Klaudia Tanner (Bild:
Military expert Paul Tikal, Colonel Markus Reisner and Minister of Defense from the ÖVP, Klaudia Tanner

Tikal's objection: whenever something is announced, it takes forever, according to frustrated members of the army. Tanner: "I don't just go into a department store and get something quickly. Take helicopters, for example: a procurement was made together with Italy that is free from any suspicion of lobbying." We also need to acquire new skills. And we need to upgrade our aircraft. Unfortunately, the unpopular and above all expensive Eurofighters still have to be towed along - there are many incidents here. "The type of procurement was the problem. We will therefore focus on absolute transparency in the interests of the taxpayer. And that also takes time."

Expert: "Neutrality Premium Plus"
Tikal quoted a NATO general who described Austria's neutrality as outdated. Tanner: "I agree: neutrality alone does not protect us. We have to defend our neutrality with all our means. And this is particularly important when the world is coming apart at the seams." Reisner: "We have developed neutrality further over the decades. See most recently the accession to the Skyshield joint defense system. I call this Neutrality Premium Plus." You also have to be so open and say that you don't know what's coming next and what adjustments still need to be made. "We're like a cow in front of a new gate. The government has to create the framework conditions, we do the work. In the interests of the population."

Military expert Paul Tikal (Bild:
Military expert Paul Tikal

Espionage paradise Austria
The espionage affair was also discussed. Tanner said: "I ask myself why this was not dealt with by the judiciary long ago. But I take up the cudgels for our army and intelligence service. I won't let them get involved."

Reisner, who studied history, referred to Austria's uniqueness, according to which foreign services are allowed to operate as they wish as long as it does not harm Austria. This is stated in the State Protection Act from the 1950s. That is where we should start. "The current challenges require multiple responses. And there is a need for competent personnel. We are in competition with the private sector, which normally pays more."

Klaudia Tanner concludes: "We are hearing positive signals. Salaries have already been increased. Even for conscripts. More equipment is being procured. The decision to invest more in the army was also taken across party lines. If anyone wants to take that back, given the situation in the world, I'll take a look."
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