A taste for schnitzel

Cooking attempt ends in hospital for boy (13)

07.04.2024 11:00

A 13-year-old wanted to cook himself a schnitzel, but the pan started to burn. Then the boy reached for the water ...

An appetite for a schnitzel almost had fatal consequences for a boy from the district of Krems. During the cooking process, the 13-year-old, who was probably alone at home at the time, may have forgotten that the pan of oil was still on the electric stove. This then caught fire, which the teenager noticed in time. However, he wanted to extinguish the fire with water. The result was a fat explosion with an enormous amount of smoke. The boy had to be taken to hospital with mild smoke inhalation.

Car started to burn at a petrol station

A vehicle fire in the north of Krems could also have ended badly. Smoke suddenly rose from the hood of a 36-year-old woman's car at a petrol station. The woman didn't notice it straight away; it was only when she was paying that the attendant drew her attention to it. She then had the presence of mind to get into her car and drive it out of the immediate danger zone. The fire department was then able to extinguish the fire quickly. According to investigators, a marten bite is likely to have caused the defect. A broken pipe had caused diesel to leak onto hot engine parts.

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