The French in Tyrol

“Came as victors, stayed as protectors”

03.04.2024 18:00

Since the French occupation, Tyrol has had a close relationship with France. This is reflected in partner schools. Two ambitious teachers have now taken the initiative to strengthen this bond. The result was a commemorative plaque, which was ceremoniously unveiled in March.

Came as a victor, stayed as a protector, returned home as a friend - this is what is written in French on a memorial plaque on the Emile Béthouart footbridge in Innsbruck. The Innsteg has been called Emile-Béthouart-Steg for quite some time now, but who was Emile Béthouart?

Marie Emilie Antoine Béthouart was a general in the French army, commander-in-chief in Tyrol. He was an advocate of an independent Austrian state and emphasized that he was not here as an occupier, but as a protector. For example, he had signs with "Ici l'Autriche, pays ami" (Here Austria, friendly country) erected on the borders of his sphere of influence.

Herwig Van Staa (former provincial governor), Madame Valérie Béthouart Dolique and HAK-Dir. Jochen Hois (from left) (Bild: Forcher/Fotoworxx Christian)
Herwig Van Staa (former provincial governor), Madame Valérie Béthouart Dolique and HAK-Dir. Jochen Hois (from left)

Madame Valérie Béthouart as guest of honor in Innsbruck
The Austrian-French friendship is lived out at the Handelsakademie Innsbruck, which has maintained a partnership with the Lycée (grammar school) Jean Dupuy for two years and enables reciprocal guest stays. "As everyone involved assures us, the linguistic benefit alone is enormous, but it's also about broadening cultural horizons and making personal friendships," explains teacher Sabine Wallinger.

As a partnership gift, the professor at Dupuy High School, Christophe Zeni, produced a metal plaque with a French translation of the memorial plaque for General Emilie Béthouart and presented it at the subsequent unveiling ceremony on March 18.

Pupils Anna Bergmeister (left) and Christina Streitberger and the two initiators, teachers Barbara Ditterich (HAK) and Christophe Zeni (Lycée Jean Dupuy). (Bild: Forcher/Fotoworxx Christian)
Pupils Anna Bergmeister (left) and Christina Streitberger and the two initiators, teachers Barbara Ditterich (HAK) and Christophe Zeni (Lycée Jean Dupuy).

The directors of both schools, Mayor Georg Willi, the 1st Vice President of the Tyrolean Parliament Sophia Kircher, Herwig Van Staa, Honorary Consul Andrea Pegger, Chairman of the Institut franco-tyrolien d'Innsbruck, Franz Pegger, and the first French Honorary Consul Ivo Greiter were present. The General's granddaughter, Madame Valérie Béthouart Dolique, was present as a special guest.

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