Concordia Press Club:

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30.03.2024 01:12

The FPÖ's attempt to influence the ORF is currently the subject of heated debate on various platforms. The Secretary General of Presseclub Concordia explained why Austrian Broadcasting is more in the spotlight than other media and what consequences must be drawn from the attempted exertion of influence. Daniela Kraus was a guest on "ZiB 2" on Friday evening.

The FPÖ imagines the ideal ORF as a kind of "Russia Today", said Kraus. RT was founded by the Russian state in 2005 and is not allowed to be broadcast in the EU, as the channel deliberately spreads disinformation and propaganda. This idea is a qualitative difference to other parties, said Kraus. The Freedom Party wants to either bring the medium under its control or destroy it. "We can see that the FPÖ has media as a central issue in the election campaign." These are seen as an opportunity to influence public opinion.

"Leading medium in this country"
The fact that the ORF is more affected than other media has to do with the fact that it is a leading medium in Austria. Broadcasting is a public service and is important for the formation of opinion in this country, said Daniela Kraus from Presseclub Concordia.

Strache has called for ORF reform in the past. He was apparently also trying to bring this about through his own influence. (Bild: APA Picturedesk,, Krone KREATIV)
Strache has called for ORF reform in the past. He was apparently also trying to bring this about through his own influence.

Both journalism and political work need "professional distance". In a small country, this can be difficult "because everyone knows everyone", but too much proximity between journalism and politics is the exception, not the rule in Austria. Kraus is convinced that there are many good journalists in Austria.

Transparency necessary, but ...
The Secretary General of the Press Club believes that consequences are "absolutely" necessary following the incident. The ORF must be better protected against political influence. The implementation of a corresponding reform, as demanded by the Constitutional Court (VfGH), should ideally take place in this legislative period, but by mid-2025 at the latest. Kraus has not yet heard any signals from the ÖVP in this regard, but she also advises this party to do so.

When asked about the medium's transparency report, for example on the highest salaries, the doctor of history said that disclosure was indeed necessary, but rather in other areas such as the awarding of contracts. The transparency of individuals and their salaries, on the other hand, was "show politics" and "populism".

As reported, Strache's fitness trainer Philipp Jelinek, for example, was given his own TV show on ORF and thanked the former Vice-Chancellor for it.

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