Unemployment benefit & Co.

Kocher: AMS to step up digital communication

28.03.2024 12:51

In future, unemployment benefits are to be applied for mainly digitally at the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS). This is the aim of an amendment to the law that the ÖVP-led Ministry of Labor sent for review on Thursday. It prioritizes and expands the electronic way to receive unemployment benefits via the "eAMS account". This should give AMS advisors more time for support and placement.

However, people who do not have online access will still be able to apply for unemployment benefits in person at the AMS, assured Minister of Labor and Economic Affairs Martin Kocher (ÖVP). "The new regulation supports people registered with the AMS in terms of avoiding travel times and unnecessary visits."

Digital communication via the "eAMS account"
In addition, communication with AMS customers will generally take place digitally in future, according to the announcement. Legally effective notifications from the AMS, such as placement proposals, are to be processed via the "eAMS account".

"In order to make it as easy as possible for our customers to access the eAMS account, we are currently working on making it possible to operate this application via all digital end devices," announced AMS Board Member Petra Draxl.

The industry welcomed the initiative. "It is already possible to submit the application digitally, but legal prioritization will help to ensure that this option is used even more intensively," Christoph Neumayer, Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), was quoted as saying in a press release. The review period runs until April 21.

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