Only the Greens & NEOS not

EU election campaign costs: the big players are keeping a low profile

26.03.2024 10:37

The parties once again have budgets in the millions for the EU election campaign. However, only the Greens and NEOS are giving figures on the planned expenditure. The ÖVP, SPÖ and FPÖ are not revealing any details, but emphasize that they intend to stick to the legal upper limit.

The counter starts counting immediately: until election day on June 9, the parties are each allowed to spend a maximum of 8.66 million euros. Of course, the three largest parties do not want to quantify their budgets in advance. ÖVP General Secretary Christian Stocker merely emphasized with regard to the European and National Council elections: "We will adhere to the legal upper limit in both election campaigns."

Secrecy and a promise
SPÖ campaign spokesperson Sigrid Rosenberger also did not want to give any figures on the campaign budget before the European elections and emphasized that her party would adhere to the legal upper limit. In fact, unlike in National Council elections, the upper campaign limit has never been reached in European elections. When asked, the FPÖ merely stated that they did not have to go into debt for the election campaign.

Greens and NEOS do not want to reach the limit by far
The NEOS and the Greens, on the other hand, are making no secret of their budgets: according to their own statements, the NEOS have decided on a framework of 2.5 million euros for the election campaign budget. The Greens want to be more economical and are reckoning with a budget of around 1.5 million euros from the federal party. In addition, there will be "just over half a million" for activities in the federal states.

The parties traditionally invest less money in the EU elections than in the national elections. In addition, unlike in the National Council elections, the parties are reimbursed at least part of their campaign expenses. As a result of the valorization, the parties will be reimbursed 2.5 euros in campaign costs per eligible voter for this election - that is a total of around 16 million euros. This sum will be distributed among the parties that make it into the EU Parliament according to their voting strength.
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