Graz Children's Museum

New exhibitions focus on a lot of manual work

25.03.2024 12:13

Hands-on and sustainability - these two poles are the focus of the Graz Children's Museum this year. With the exhibitions "Ritsch Ratsch" (for all 3 to 7-year-olds) and "Mist?!" (from the age of 8), the correct use of resources is taught in a playful way.

The figures prove that the Graz children's museum FRida& freD is doing everything right. Last year, the museum welcomed more than 110,000 visitors, an absolute record figure that pushed the facility, which was actually designed for around 30,000 visitors, to the limits of its capacity.

"With our exhibitions, you actually always have to do a lot with your hands and this year in particular," emphasizes Children's Museum Director Jörg Ehtreiber, "this is a deliberate counterpoint to digital media, which children are sufficiently engaged with without our intervention." This appeals not least to Kurt Hohensinner, the city councillor responsible for the children's museum: "Here, children learn through play and with joy - and then educate their parents," he knows from his own experience.

And so the younger visitors to "Ritsch Ratsch" have plenty of paper (thanks to partner Sappi) to let off steam with. This exhibition, which encourages creativity, was designed by children's book illustrator Julie Völk, who invites visitors to embark on adventures in piggy land. Whether you build houses out of boxes, make clothes out of paper or take a paper bath - almost anything is possible here.

Young waste professionals
For the older children, everything revolves around garbage, which is often not garbage at all. The exhibition itself is made entirely from recycled furniture and materials. "We only had to buy a bit of paint," emphasizes Ehtreiber.

The young waste professionals can conjure up something new from "garbage" themselves here, learning along the way what is recycled and how to separate waste correctly. And it's also about avoiding waste if you think a little when you go shopping. One of the highlights is certainly the opportunity to ride in a refuse truck. All of this works in close cooperation with Holding Graz Waste Management.

The FRida & freD research laboratory also focuses on tangible things. This year's theme is "The Secret of the Book", and not only is the manual production of a book being investigated, but also how words come together to form stories. Reading, writing and imagination are the concepts that everything revolves around here.

Extensive supporting program
As always, there will also be an extensive children's theater program, various workshops and the hands-on theater "Forscherixa". All information about the children's museum can be found here.

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