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Is the field hamster now stopping the mega project?

25.03.2024 06:00

For years, a solution has been sought for the old glass factory in Brunn am Gebirge. Now that a compromise has finally been found, surveys from 2012 are causing a stir. This is because protected hamsters were discovered there at the time.

The conversion of the old glass factory in Brunn am Gebirge in the district of Mödling does not seem to be going well. Since the closure of the industrial site in 2004, the area has been lying fallow. There have been repeated successful protests against plans to convert the site into hundreds of apartments, leisure facilities and business parks. Even a referendum was initiated by the opposition, in which the majority spoke out against a project desired by the town hall and owners.

A compromise has finally been reached, but it has now become known that a letter from the state, which is already several months old, could completely overturn the project - or rather: the hamsters mentioned in it.

This requires a look back to 2012. Back then, in the course of an application for a huge PV plant, the occurrence of the protected rodents was also noted on the site of the glass factory. The municipality is therefore now being asked by the state to carry out a study to determine whether the site is still home to hamsters.

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Some local councillors laughed during the discussion and played down the issue.

Sabine Hiermann, Grüne

This could significantly delay the mega project, or even stop it in the worst case scenario. "It's interesting that the mayor apparently knew about this for some time and didn't inform the municipal council. We could have saved ourselves a lot of discussions," says ÖVP local councillor Oliver Prosenbauer.

SPÖ mayor Andreas Linhart confirmed to the "NÖN" that an expert opinion could only be given after the animals had gone into hibernation. The result would determine whether the state would approve the spatial development plans.

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