Water process

“Others set fires and then help put them out”

22.03.2024 17:00

A plumber (25) was not finally convicted in Eisenstadt for deliberately flooding 16 cellars. "He wanted to be important there," said the judge. Around 105,000 euros in compensation for the damage is in the balance.

Up until the last word, which is always reserved for the defendant, the 25-year-old pleaded not guilty. "I didn't do that. And I would never do something like that!" said the man from northern Burgenland before the verdict was announced at Eisenstadt Regional Court. He then immediately lodged an appeal and filed for annulment.

12 months conditional imprisonment for three years probably weighs less heavily than the total of 104,958.74 euros that he would have to pay in restitution within 14 days.

Always one of the first on the scene
From April 15 to 21, 2023, a "water devil" targeted residential buildings belonging to the Oberwarter Siedlungsgenossenschaft (OSG) in Eisenstadt. During this week, 16 cellars were deliberately flooded - the perpetrator opened taps, sawed off fittings and removed turnstile valves. As an OSG fitter at the time, the accused was constantly on site and had access to all the buildings, even though he said he was missing some keys from his waistband. He was always one of the first on the scene.

And: During the interrogation of the accused, he stated that an accident happened to him on April 21 and that "more water escaped after I repaired the leak I discovered".

Continuous chain of circumstantial evidence
Judge Doris Halper-Praunias, however, saw the 25-year-old convicted by a "continuous chain of circumstantial evidence". It was particularly striking that there had been no further flooding after his confession to the last incident. The accused had been under psychological pressure, which had been released in this way. "He turned on the water in order to be important there."

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