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Be up close and personal at the MMA event Sparta 4

15.02.2024 17:00

Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA for short, is a sport defined by blood, sweat and hard punches and has produced legends such as Conor McGregor and Islam Makhachev. But there is also a great MMA scene in Austria, and this comes together at Sparta. With the "Krone", you can not only watch the livestream, but also win tickets for the upcoming "Spartiaten" event on April 27 at the Multiversum Schwechat.

On February 10, one of the most spectacular events on the Austrian MMA scene took place in the Ariana Halle in Vienna: the Sparta Royale. KronePLUS also gave you the chance to watch the exclusive livestream and experience how Khalid Ott, Zsolt Szamko and the "Austrian Bull" Aleksandar Mraovic faced each other in the ring. In three 2-minute rounds, nothing was given away and the opponents really got down to business.

After the great success of the Sparta Royale, the organizers behind the hay fights have even bigger plans. On April 27, Sparta 4 will take place at the Schwechat Multiversum! Once again, fights will take place in the cage according to classic MMA rules. In the main event, Viennese legend and MMA veteran Attila Ucar will fight the experienced Ivo Cuk. There will also be a Viennese derby in Schwechat: "Austrian" Rafael Tupy will clash with "Rapid" Patrick Rainer for the re-match of the year. With KronePLUS you can be there again in the livestream.

Win tickets now
With the "Krone" you can not only watch the live stream of the Sparta 4 event on April 27, but also have the chance to win 1x3 tickets for the highly coveted event. Simply fill out the form below and, with a little luck, we will invite you and your friends to the Schwechat Multiverse.

Want to increase your chances of winning? Then sign up for our sports event newsletter and don't miss any more live streams from KronePLUS. The closing date for entries is March 31. Further information and the conditions of participation can be found here.

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