Mysterious circumstances

Mystery surrounding dead Viennese man (39) after falling from window

21.03.2024 11:17

After the death of a 39-year-old man in Vienna-Rudolfsheim, who fell out of a window on Wednesday, the Vienna police are still in the dark. Even on Thursday, some of the victim's injuries could not be clearly clarified. The police are now assuming it was a suicide. As the "Krone" has now learned, the incident did not take place in the victim's own apartment!

According to "Krone" information, the deceased is said to be the son of a wealthy florist. According to an acquaintance of the "Krone", the victim was still reachable on WhatsApp at around 10 am. At 11.40 a.m. - less than two hours later - the terrible incident took place: the 39-year-old was found dead by a passer-by on the street in front of a residential building in Rudolfsheim.

Incident raises many questions
Mysterious: The dead man was probably only visiting the apartment where the incident took place. He himself lived in Donaustadt. Why the man was there also still needs to be clarified.

Autopsy ordered
But even on Thursday - one day later - the investigators still have no new information about the exact course of events. Some of the 39-year-old's injury patterns are also unclear. The public prosecutor's office has therefore ordered a forensic autopsy of the body. According to the current state of the investigation, however, it could be suicide.

If you or a person close to you are in an exceptional psychological situation or are affected by suicidal thoughts, please contact the telephone counselling service on 142. You can find other crisis hotlines and emergency numbers HERE.

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