Real or photoshopped?


21.03.2024 11:18

President Emmanuel Macron has been struggling with crises and problems at the helm of France for years. Inflation, the constant threat of terrorism in the country, rampant migration, the war in Ukraine and malicious rumors about his wife Brigitte (70) make life difficult for him. No wonder the head of state lets off steam in his free time by boxing. After newly published photos, however, friends and foes alike are wondering whether his biceps have been photoshopped ...

Emmanuel Macron has been in the public eye for years. As a perfectly trained media professional, he knows that every gesture, every facial expression and every smile has to be just right in order to win the people's sympathy as an authentic statesman.

Emmanuel Macron (Bild: Soazig de la Moissonnière / Présidence de la République)
Emmanuel Macron

Celebrities, on the other hand, should stay away from overly generous image editing. And not just since the mega scandal surrounding Princess Kate's botched photoshopped family photo, which was even withdrawn by agencies.

Kate's fake photo caused a worldwide furor that lasted for days. Miscommunication that even a busy Macron could not possibly have missed. But has he now also put his foot in his mouth?

He recently appeared in a jersey and with boxing gloves over his shoulder to encourage his compatriots to exercise regularly. A few months ago, his wife Brigitte revealed to the magazine "Paris Match" that the centrist politician does boxing training twice a week.

Challenge to Putin
Fans, followers and critics are puzzled by the publication of two new pictures showing Macron in a one-on-one fight against a punching bag. His face contorted with strain, the right hook on the punching bag: Macron strikes with a grim expression on his face. He takes a swing at the punch - another challenge to Kremlin boss Vladimir Putin? Or is he training to be ready for a handshake with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer?

"The message is addressed to Putin"
For political expert Philippe Moreau-Chevrolet in the newspaper "Le Parisien", one thing is clear: "The message is addressed to Putin." Macron shows in a dynamic and determined way that he is ready to fight a battle. Sporting images of presidents are not normally so aggressive. However, these photos were taken on purpose to show that they were in a battle. Putin has also been photographed several times as a sportsman, for example in martial arts and hunting.

Don't take cover: Macron faces up to his challenges. (Bild: Soazig de la Moissonnière / Présidence de la République)
Don't take cover: Macron faces up to his challenges.

The French president normally presents himself to the public dressed in fine clothes. Macron is considered to be athletic, but such an impressive upper arm muscle requires an intensive (and time-consuming) training program. If you see him in a suit, you can only assume that he has such biceps.

Macron on March 20 (Bild: AFP)
Macron on March 20

The fighting spirit in his eyes is less impressive than his muscle game. In the black and white pictures, the 46-year-old can be seen in a black shirt. His eyes are focused on his "opponent" and he has swung a punch in "Rocky" style. His in-house photographer Soazig de la Moissonnière captured the moment.

Many are now asking themselves: can these biceps be real? Or has the "training success" been helped along a little with image editing? "Show-off!", write some, while others pay tribute to the statesman and express envy at his "great shape at this age".

Many also suspect that the photographer has digitally manipulated the volume of Macron's biceps to "totally exaggerate" them. What do you think? Macron is the talk of the town ...

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