Animals in the east bay

Biodiversity in the town on Lake Wörthersee is growing

19.03.2024 18:45

More animal species are being observed again on the Lendspitz in the eastern bay of Lake Wörthersee in Klagenfurt. The city is therefore focusing on a new project.

The Lendspitz Maiernigg is a 77.4 hectare nature reserve. Since 2005, this area in the east bay has been awarded the "natura 2000" label. The "City meets nature" project was launched there to introduce city dwellers to the diversity of plants and animals.

Initiative only exists in two major cities
"There are only two major cities in Europe with an initiative of this kind, namely Klagenfurt and Helsinki," explains SP City Vice President Philipp Liesnig. "We are protecting the shore area and are increasingly seeing rare bird species settling on the edge of the city and even breeding here. These include birds of the quarry and riparian forest as well as woodpeckers." The 18 species of grasshopper on the Lendspitz include oak and leek grasshoppers, meadow grasshoppers and marsh grasshoppers.

Experts are observing more and more bird species in the Lendspitz area - such as kingfishers. (Bild: Bernhard Huber)
Experts are observing more and more bird species in the Lendspitz area - such as kingfishers.

The rangers' work is extended
The moor areas on the site are also important for climate protection, as they store large amounts of carbon dioxide. Nature park rangers are deployed to ensure the protection of the area. "Until now, they have only worked from June to August, but in future they will look after the area and offer guided tours from April to October," says Liesnig. "We will also be training mini-rangers for the first time."

Philipp Smole (Green Party) also points out that the protected area is a particularly sensitive area, surrounded by farmland and Lakeside Park.

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