No suitable planning

Hikers underestimate current weather conditions

15.03.2024 08:00

It's spring in the valleys and there's not a bit of snow to be seen. This circumstance drives people to hike in the mountains - sometimes completely unprepared! Because winter still reigns at the top. In the north in particular, around 30 centimetres of snow have been added in the last few days. And that's exactly what can be fatal at the moment!

A woman from Graz (18) and a friend from Munich (19) experienced on Wednesday what can happen if you underestimate the current situation in the mountains. Together they climbed up to the 1835-metre-high Messnerin from Tragöss-Oberort. An appealing tour that requires not only fitness but also careful planning. They only reached the summit at around 5 pm. For the descent, they chose the unmarked hunting trail towards Scheideck. The current problem: "On the northern sides, where the sun doesn't reach, there will certainly be snow until May or June," explains Enrico Radaelli, spokesman for the Styrian Mountain Rescue Service. This was exactly the case for the two of them. They got into rough terrain and couldn't find their way in the twilight. Then they did the only right thing and called the emergency services. The mountain rescue team and an Alpine police officer brought them down to the valley unharmed.

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Supposedly quick laps can quickly turn into long missions. You cool down quickly after an accident, a bivouac sack protects you from this

Enrico Radaelli

Equipment, provisions, humility and respect
So what should hikers bear in mind at the moment? "From 1500 meters above sea level, it's winter. Plan your tour and pack your rucksack accordingly," advises Radaelli. But what actually belongs in a hiking rucksack? In addition to suitable clothing, it should contain enough liquid and provisions. Radaelli: "Some people don't realize that the huts only open at the end of April, beginning of May." In addition to a hat and gloves, a GPS and a hiking map, hiking boots should also be part of your fixed equipment. Because icy spots should always be taken into account. Emergency equipment should also always be included. This includes a first aid kit, a fully charged phone with a power bank and a bivouac sack. "Because supposedly quick laps can quickly turn into long missions. After an accident, you cool down quickly, and a bivouac sack protects you from this," advises Radaelli. Always an important companion: humility and respect for the mountains!

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