Beer as a male domain?

Brewery boss now had to do a “ladies’ round”

14.03.2024 19:00

The first tasting round for the new "Purkersdorfer" beer was clearly too male-dominated for the female entrepreneurs in the region: the master brewer from the Vienna Woods followed suit - and is now a good step ahead. Thanks to the ladies!

Markus Führer has made a faux pas. And that doesn't mean that he has moved his Gablitz brewery to neighboring Purkersdorf. As reported, the entrepreneur now even wants to brew his own "Purkersdorfer". Before heading to the brewing kettle, Führer tasted a wide variety of beer styles with an illustrious group of innkeepers, business owners and representatives of the fire department. To get a taste of the new variety, so to speak.

To err is manly
But this is exactly where the otherwise sure-footed master brewer made a huge mistake. Because the men's round was just that - a pure gathering of male beer lovers. "That's all I needed," the beer professional told the "Krone". Because after the report on the event with testosterone excess, there was a lot of scolding.

And from female entrepreneurs from Purkersdorf - the "Women in Business" network. Führer didn't take long to respond and invited a select group of women to the brewery on Linzerstraße. "It was a great evening with lots of interesting questions and great interest in the craft," says the brewer.

Favorite is clear
And lo and behold: after the second, this time all-female tasting round, a clear favorite has emerged. "As far as variety, color and aroma are concerned, there are actually no more questions left. Now it's down to the design and recipe creation," says Führer. Whether the evening ended with a "Damenspitz" is not known

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