Election in Flachgau

Flachgau: A resounding red victory in Oberndorf

11.03.2024 08:00

The Social Democrats in particular were able to provide surprises. The majority of places in the district with the most eligible voters remained black.

The People's Party was able to clearly confirm its supremacy in Flachgau and the majority of mayors also remain in black hands. Nevertheless, the ÖVP has to accept some heavy defeats. First and foremost in Oberndorf, where the incumbent mayor Georg Djundja (SPÖ) won an absolute majority in the municipal council and surprisingly won the mayoral election in the first round with over 70 percent of the vote.

"I believe the result is a confirmation of our constructive and objective work in recent years," says the old and new mayor, adding: "Now, of course, we have to return the trust." Despite the absolute majority, he wants to reach out to the other parties.

Straßwalchen's Tanja Kreer (SPÖ) is now number 1 in the municipal council. (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
Straßwalchen's Tanja Kreer (SPÖ) is now number 1 in the municipal council.

There was also red jubilation in Straßwalchen. Tanja Kreer came out on top in the mayoral election and also came first in the municipal council with the SPÖ.

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I am very proud and at the moment I am still at a loss for words.

Michael Schwarzmayr, SPÖ-Bürgermeister Mattsee

"It's a historic day," said a delighted Michael Schwarzmayr about his brilliant result in Mattsee (61.3 percent). With an increase of 30 percent, the SPÖ won an absolute majority in Mattsee. "I'm very proud and at the moment I'm still at a loss for words." The young mayor's path is astonishing. He went from 13 to over 30 percent five years ago and has now doubled that again. In the mayoral election, he beat his only rival from MFG with 96.8%.

Excitement in the run-off election in the town of Neumarkt
There were no big surprises in the district capital of Seekirchen. The ÖVP defended first place with losses, town leader Konrad Pieringer (ÖVP) maintained his position in the first round of voting. The green list "Lese" came in second place again with substantial gains.

Seekirchen's mayor Pieringer (ÖVP) won the first round of voting. (Bild: Scharinger Daniel)
Seekirchen's mayor Pieringer (ÖVP) won the first round of voting.

There is still suspense in Neumarkt. There is a run-off between SPÖ provincial party leader David Egger and Mayor Adolf Rieger. The head of the town council lost 13 percent of the vote. The Reds are now the strongest party.

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