Second job concealed

Russian woman fraudulently obtained social benefits

07.03.2024 18:25

A 52-year-old Russian woman had to answer to the Feldkirch Regional Court on Thursday for serious commercial fraud. The woman was sentenced to a very painful fine.

For years, the previously blameless woman worked as a newspaper delivery girl. However, on a contract basis. However, she had not reported this source of income to the authorities. Instead, she continued to cheekily collect basic benefits from the district authority. This was by no means just the much-cited peanuts: in the period from January 2015 to the end of August 2023, the woman living in the Dornbirn area enriched herself by around 65,500 euros.

Defendant pleads guilty and is remorseful
On Wednesday, the 52-year-old woman went on trial at Feldkirch Regional Court for commercial fraud. "I plead guilty," said the defendant, taking full responsibility. However, she did not know that she should have reported her income to the authorities. Nevertheless, the Russian woman agrees to make good the damage as far as she can. Her defense lawyer, Toni Jakupi, also agrees: "My client has already started repayment, although the amount is still limited at 30 euros."

Verdict in favor of the prosecution
Judge Alexander Wehinger finds the woman guilty as charged and imposes a conditional prison sentence of four months and an unconditional fine of 1,200 euros. She is now allowed to pay off the amount in installments. Incidentally, the Russian woman has been working as a newspaper delivery girl again since the beginning of March, but this time as a permanent employee. The verdict is already final.

Chantal Dorn
Chantal Dorn
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