
Comrades in the countryside see red over SPÖ Vienna post

07.03.2024 06:00

A post by the Vienna SPÖ on Instagram - in which "urban sprawl in the rest of Austria" is used as a negative example - is causing anger. Criticism has been voiced not only by users, but also by party friends beyond the city limits.

With the post, the comrades from the federal capital apparently want to once again advertise their activities in social housing. One picture shows newly built housing estates - with a little green space, of course. Below is an aerial view of a rural community. With the slogan "Modern social housing in Vienna, instead of urban sprawl in the rest of Austria", the comrades from the capital make a clear statement.

But not everyone sees it that way. At least that's what some of the comments under the post say: "What is the point and message of this subject? Should every rural community with a population of 2,000 now have everything paved over to make it more 'urban'?" asks one user. "This post is not an intelligent idea," says another.

Vienna SPÖ refers to description
The Vienna SPÖ does not want to comment on this, but simply refers to the short description under the picture. "Housing and living without existential worries", it says. Vienna would cushion the increased construction costs in advance with the new building ordinance and thus secure affordable housing in Vienna in the long term, but also regulate it.

Head shaking in Lower Austria and Burgenland
However, the post has also been met with fierce criticism from comrades beyond the city limits. According to reports, several mayors in the SPÖ Lower Austria are noticeably displeased by this "senseless arrogance and abysmal ignorance of life outside Vienna's city limits", as one of them put it to the "Krone" newspaper. The red state party in Lower Austria did not want to officially comment on the posting by the editorial deadline.

"No idea about life outside the inner city bubble"
The Burgenland SPÖ regional manager Jasmin Puchwein is even clearer when asked: "Whoever formulated this wording clearly has zero idea about life outside the inner city bubble of Vienna." She didn't really understand the point of the post either. It is a little arrogant that the Viennese believe that they have to tell the eight other federal states how they should live, says the regional manager. After all, seven million people live outside the federal capital.

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It is a little arrogant that the Viennese believe they have to tell eight other federal states how they should live.

Landesgeschäftsführerin Jasmin Puchwein (SPÖ Burgenland)

On a personal note, she adds that Vienna is a beautiful city, but that she made the right decision four years ago to move from there to Burgenland. "I like the greenery more than concreted areas," explains Puchwein.

Viennese SPÖ soon to return to Burgenland
The fact that the two regional organizations do not have the closest relationship at the moment is nothing new. The posting is unlikely to make things any better.

Next week, the Vienna SPÖ will once again officially venture into the "urbanized rest of Austria" - and even into Burgenland. The traditional club retreat will be held at St. Martins Therme in Frauenkirchen. Burgenland's Governor Hans Peter Doskozil will not be there. "As at the last two meetings, he will not be attending", according to his office.

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