Many want to switch

Where apprenticeship training is lacking

06.03.2024 17:32

There is a huge shortage of skilled workers in Austria. Nevertheless, a good 10,000 fewer companies are training apprentices in this country today than 20 years ago. This must change again, emphasize the AK and the trade union. And the quality of training still has room for improvement in some cases, as the fifth Austrian Apprenticeship Monitor shows.

Even if the apprenticeship profession still has an unjustified image problem, around 30,000 young people start an apprenticeship here every year. But there could be more, as many of them find it difficult or impossible to find a place. And even those who are lucky only get their dream job in one in three cases. For five percent, the chosen profession is only a stopgap solution.

For ÖGB President Wolfgang Katzian, these are alarm signals. "We urgently need more companies that offer apprenticeships again," emphasizes the trade unionist. Around 108,000 apprentices were working in Austria at the end of 2023. That is a good 10,000 fewer than ten years ago.

In addition, the quality of training needs to be improved, as the latest survey shows. For example, one in ten apprentices described the company's framework conditions as "very poor" and one in four young people at least as "poor". Only 25 percent of those surveyed stated that what they learn in the company is also documented. Just four out of ten companies have a training plan. Hairdressers, the hotel and catering industry and the painting sector are in the bottom third when it comes to training conditions (see chart).

For Katzian, poor documentation and a lack of training plans are clear signs that some companies only see apprentices as cheap unskilled labor. Even if the majority of companies work in an exemplary manner, certain steps need to be considered.

Link apprenticeship funding to training quality
Both the trade union and the Chamber of Labor are therefore calling for apprenticeship funding to be linked to training quality. "This must be a criterion," said Katzian and AK President Renate Anderl in unison. If the employer cannot train some things, this must be done in inter-company competence centers.

The survey also shows how important a good employer is. Where the company environment is very poor, only less than four out of ten apprentices want to work in the profession after completing their apprenticeship. Where the training and environment were very good, on the other hand, almost nine out of ten do.

Still many non-training activities
AK boss Renate Anderl was also shocked by the fact that eleven percent of apprentices regularly have to carry out non-training activities (e.g. fetching snacks, washing cars, clearing garbage) and one in five repeatedly do so. "This is no longer in keeping with the times," says Anderl.

One thirdare insulted, harassed or exposed
Anderl also calls on companies to take responsibility for ensuring a good working atmosphere and avoiding bullying, for example. For example, a third of apprentices state that they have already been insulted, harassed, threatened or exposed. For women, the figure is as high as four in ten.

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