SPÖ-ÖVP comeback?

Warning against Kickl and discreet attempts at rapprochement

06.03.2024 21:15

Domestic politics is in the middle of a hot phase. Important elections are coming up this year, especially those for the National Council in September. Rainer Nowak was joined by an illustrious panel of guests: ÖVP-affiliated strategy consultant Heidi Glück and the heads of the SPÖ and ÖVP parties, Philip Kucher and August Wöginger. The main topic was someone who was not in the room - Herbert Kickl.

How can you prevent the FPÖ from governing? The blue party has been far ahead in all polls for months. Wöginger remains optimistic. Polls can be deceptive. "You should sniff perfume, not drink it. I remember Rendi-Wagner's polls and what happened to her," the ÖVP man recalled of the once powerful SPÖ woman. "I sense an upswing. I also believe that Kickl has passed his peak with the FPÖ. When he talks about wanted lists and reaches into his own party coffers in Graz, many will ask themselves: Is he supposed to lead the country into the future?"

No state can be made with Kickl. Chancellor Nehammer has made this clear time and again.

ÖVP party leader August Wöginger (Bild: Klemens Groh)
ÖVP party leader August Wöginger

For SPÖ representative Kucher, one thing is clear: "The question is: is there a black-blue government or a strong social democracy? Kickl can only be prevented with the SPÖ."

Head of the SPÖ party Philip Kucher (Bild: Klemens Groh)
Head of the SPÖ party Philip Kucher

"Don't make Kickl bigger than he is"
Heidi Glück warned the former grand coalition partners, the SPÖ and ÖVP, as they had already resigned themselves to Kickl winning the election. "They should concentrate more on their own people and issues. The pure demarcation makes Kickl much bigger than he deserves and than he is." Furthermore, the ÖVP should remember that it is an economic party and communicate this. The SPÖ, on the other hand, regularly takes different positions. Not exactly a sign of strength and unity.

Heidi Glück, communications consultant (Bild: klemens groh)
Heidi Glück, communications consultant

Kucher fired another shot in the direction of Kickl - he and Co. had always betrayed their people, the little people, in government.

"Worried that the Mikl-Leitners will prevail"
In view of these circumstances, Nowak detected a certain nostalgia for a revival of the ÖVP and SPÖ. In fact, Kucher and Wöginger had words of praise for each other in terms of consensus and previous cooperation. "The SPÖ is constructive in many areas, just like the NEOS," Kucher stated. However, he also expressed concern that "the Mikl-Leitners will prevail. If things work out, the ÖVP will govern with the FPÖ. See Lower Austria or Salzburg."

Rainer Nowak, "Krone" department head for economics, domestic and foreign policy and host of the program (Bild: Klemens Groh)
Rainer Nowak, "Krone" department head for economics, domestic and foreign policy and host of the program

The current U-committees were also a topic. "If you bash each other's heads in, it will be difficult for negotiations after the elections," Rainer Nowak told the panel. The panellists also saw this danger, although they pointed out the need for parliamentary scrutiny. Kucher: "With COFAG, we are talking about 15 billion in taxpayers' money. It is unacceptable that this is being used to finance millions in profits for the super-rich."

Wöginger: "I did not wish for the committees. But if we do, then let's not just look at the ÖVP, but also at other areas and former ministries. I hope that it won't be a slaughter like previous committees."

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