Decision in April

All clubs have submitted license documents

05.03.2024 12:19

All twelve clubs in the Bundesliga have submitted their license and registration applications for the coming season on time. The decision in the first instance is expected on April 12.

All 16 representatives from the 2nd division also submitted their applications by the deadline of Monday midnight, as the league announced on Tuesday. A decision by Senate 5 (Licensing Committee) in the first instance is expected on April 12.

In addition to the clubs from the two highest divisions, there are also applications from promotion hopefuls from the three regional leagues. From the Ostliga, these include Rapid II (currently top of the table) and the Young Violets (fourth) as well as Kremser SC (second).

From the Central Regional League, ASK Voitsberg (first), Welser Sportclub Hertha (third) and LASK Amateure (sixth) have been named. Austria Salzburg (first) and SC Imst (eighth) have been named from the Westliga.

What happens next
If a club is not granted admission in the first instance, there is an eight-day deadline for lodging a protest with the league's protest committee. This gives the club the opportunity to submit new evidence. The protest committee will make a decision by the end of April.

If the license is also denied by this committee, there is still the option to appeal to the Permanent Court of Neutral Arbitration. This is expected to make its decision by mid-May.

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