"It was a long time ago"

Abuse of power: Pölsler responds to accusations

04.03.2024 14:30

A TV documentary has made serious allegations of abuse of power in the cultural sector. Two Austrian directors were also mentioned by name in the documentary: Julian Pölsler wants to comment on this in detail on Monday - although these accusations were made "a long time ago", according to Pölsler.

The NDR documentary "Gegen das Schweigen" made waves last week. In it, actors reported on abuse of power and assaults in theater and film. Alongside Pölsler, Paulus Manker was also mentioned by name. The two want to comment on the allegations as studio guests on ORF's "Kulturmontag" program.

Beforehand, Pölsler pointed out that some of the accusations made against him were made more than 15 or 20 years ago. Naturally, he "no longer has an exact memory of what happened when, where and how". However, this does not mean "that I want to avoid dealing with and coming to terms with the allegations. Quite the opposite," says the 70-year-old.

Pölsler admits that he sometimes reacted "too loudly"
"In principle, I would like to state that in all my films, in the struggle to achieve the highest quality of my films on location, I have certainly reacted too violently, too emotionally and too loudly towards some actors and team members in some situations in the past," admits Pölsler, who nevertheless emphasizes that he usually sought a conversation afterwards and expressed his regret. At the same time, he regrets that other actors had not spoken to him about this, but have now done so in the documentary. He also wants to talk to them and come to terms with what happened and apologize.


In one case in which his direction had been criticized by an actress, there had been a conversation - and they had worked together again. "This shoot went very smoothly and she played her role very well," recalls Pölsler, who thinks it is a shame that this was not mentioned in the documentary.

It was particularly important to him to note that none of the cases mentioned in the documentary involved sexual assault. "I reject the report of the person who accuses me of having sexually assaulted her more than twenty years ago as a result of a power relationship." Her visit was of a "purely private nature" and there was "no connection with any abuse of power on my part".

Nude castings: requirements had been communicated
In response to the accusation of surprise "nude castings", he explained that requirements had always been communicated in advance. "In this specific case, the actresses invited to the casting knew exactly that it was a nude scene in the film and that it was necessary to carry out the casting naked."

In response to the accusation that he had behaved in an abusive manner during a casting for a rape scene, Pölsler states: "I realize that, according to today's standards, it was wrong to personally intervene in this casting in order to show the male actor how he had to shape the brutality that this scene requires from the actresses and the actor." Seven years ago, when the scene was shot, different "customs" applied - today he would no longer do it that way.

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