Entered the country illegally

Syrian (14) found severely hypothermic in the forest

03.03.2024 21:59

While hiking in the Bärengraben in Rosental, a Carinthian becomes aware of cries for help and finds an illegally entered 14-year-old in the forest. The 61-year-old immediately sets the rescue chain in motion.

A hiker (61) from Faak am See became aware of cries for help from the forest in the Bärengraben in Rosenbach on Sunday. The man immediately went to investigate and came across a young man sitting in the forest with severe hypothermia. "He was pointing to his knee and couldn't walk any further on his own," said a police officer.

Helicopter could not land
The hiker immediately made an emergency call. However, the operation turned out to be difficult due to the weather. The crew of the Libelle 1 police helicopter were unable to land due to the strong gusts of wind.

Due to the steep, snowy and wet terrain, Villach Mountain Rescue was called out. "The injured man was roped down with the stretcher and transported out of the forest to an open area. There, the 14-year-old could be brought to Klagenfurt Hospital by means of a C 11 rope rescue," report the emergency services.

Police investigate
According to the police, the boy is an illegal immigrant from Syria. "The boy probably came to Carinthia via the Karawanken mountains. Investigations are ongoing," a police officer continued. The 14-year-old was traveling alone.

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