Worse prevented

Brave father stopped horror drive on highway

12.02.2024 19:24

"I would do it again and again," says Alexander Bröckl after he prevented something worse on the Westautobahn on Sunday evening. The courageous 37-year-old from Ampflwang stopped a truly horrendous drive by a 59-year-old woman from Salzburg who was driving with a blood alcohol level of 2.46.

"I actually wanted to overtake her, but I noticed that she was always driving on the left and right," says Bröckl, who was traveling on the A1 between Thalgau and Mondsee with his partner and their three children at the time. The father of a daughter called the police.

Alexander Bröckl (37), truck driver from Ampflwang. (Bild: zVg)
Alexander Bröckl (37), truck driver from Ampflwang.

"In the meantime, she kept hitting the central crash barrier," said the 37-year-old about the drunk driver in front of him, who not only endangered herself, but probably others as well and continued driving despite her collisions.

Keys removed
In order to protect other road users, Bröckl drove behind the 59-year-old in the middle of the road in the roadworks area so that nobody could overtake. The courageous 37-year-old "pursued" the alcoholic driver for 15 to 20 minutes before she stopped at the Mondsee rest stop.

"I opened the car door and removed her key," said the professional truck driver, who then waited in the parking lot for the police to be alerted. The officers took the car keys, but were unable to take the driver's license from the drunk driver: It had already been confiscated from the 59-year-old.

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