Although convicted:

Terrorist boys are still at large

01.02.2024 09:17

Blow up all Christians and turn Austria into a caliphate - these were the plans of two young people in Bruck an der Mur. They were sentenced to unconditional prison terms for these acts in June 2023. But they continue to stroll through the Styrian district capital.

We shudder to remember the terrifying case of the two radicalized youths who were convicted of terrorism at the tender age of 15 and 16 at the Leoben Regional Court. Specifically, they planned to blow up the new secondary school in Bruck an der Mur - we reported. Their goal: to kill all Christians and turn Austria into a caliphate.

"Allah forgives us"
They searched the internet for instructions for explosive devices and silencers, sent out propaganda and beheading videos and decorated their profile pictures with IS flags. In a chat group, the 16-year-old bragged about his plans to attack his younger friend's class, saying that he already had swords, knives and pistols in stock.

In June of the previous year, the two boys with North Macedonian and Chechen roots had to answer to the Leoben Regional Court. However, they showed no remorse. On the contrary: Allah would have forgiven them and later they would go to paradise. They were finally sentenced to two years in prison, eight months of which were unconditional.

Boys want an ankle bracelet
Concerned citizens have now contacted the "Krone" newspaper. They claim to have seen the terror boys in the middle of the city despite their unconditional prison sentences. Their fears were confirmed when they asked the Leoben Regional Court: "Yes, they are at large. The two of them applied for a reprieve, which was granted."

Why this was granted was not explained due to the youthfulness of the two perpetrators. However, both have applied for ankle bracelets to serve their sentences. "The older boy's application has already been legally rejected, the younger boy's application has not yet been decided," the court said.

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