Blue-yellow strong as a bear

With Sütcü-Turbo Vienna is Vienna’s number 3 for the first time

26.05.2024 19:00

With five wins in a row, Vienna produced a remarkable finish in the 2nd division. As a bonus, the blue and yellows even shot up to third place on the final matchday. The FAC also achieved their goal for the season, with sporting manager Fischer praising their sporting performance.

Vienna's final weekend is one to remember. The women finished second in the Bundesliga with a 1:1 in Linz and thus qualified for the Champions League. The men finished the season in third place in the second division with five wins in a row - making them Vienna's number three team for the first time.

Coach Mehmet Sütcü recently celebrated five wins in a row. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Coach Mehmet Sütcü recently celebrated five wins in a row.

"We're happy to take that with us, it has to be our aspiration," says coach Mehmet Sütcü, living up to his assessment after seven wins (2.5 goals per game average) and three defeats (when things weren't going well at the start). In addition to Kreuzhuber and Gremsl, new winter signing Bischof (starting his preparation with Rapid) will no longer be part of the squad. "Three to four new additions" are planned.

Haljeta (left) also made it into the top 5 with FAC. (Bild: GEPA pictures)
Haljeta (left) also made it into the top 5 with FAC.

Although FAC lost out on third place in the final round, they achieved their season goal of fifth place. With 49 points, the Floridsdorf side also picked up the second-most points in 2nd division club history - only the runners-up in 2021/22 had more points to their name (65). "That confirms our sporting path, we're playing far beyond our financial means," said sports manager Lukas Fischer.

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