Polls show:

NEOS benefit from accusations against Schilling

25.05.2024 12:10

Every tenth person in Austria is planning to vote for the Greens in June. This is the result of a Spectra survey on the EU elections. However, the party with top candidate Lena Schilling could be overtaken by the NEOS. According to the survey, they already have 13 percent.

The FPÖ is in first place among the 1000 respondents with 26%, followed by the SPÖ (23%) and ÖVP (22%). In a survey conducted by the IFDD Institute by pollster Christoph Haselmayer, the KPÖ narrowly makes it into the EU Parliament.

Compared to previous polls, the Greens, who are currently facing accusations surrounding their lead candidate Lena Schilling, are losing votes slightly. However, according to further reports, the data situation is "even more difficult to assess", said pollster Peter Hajek. Recently, for example, a chat statement was published in which Schilling wrote that she had "never hated anyone as much" as the Greens.

This is how the political groups in the EU Parliament are divided.

Loss of the third mandate?
According to Hajek, the party is at risk of losing its third mandate. However, a "free fall" has not yet become apparent. The NEOS would benefit, as they are currently gaining votes and "therefore have the second mandate within reach".

"The Greens' crisis communication could be improved," the pollster continued. In the Sunday poll for the National Council elections in the fall, the party is currently on eight percent and thus on a par with the NEOS and the Beer Party. The FPÖ is clearly ahead with 31 percent, followed by the ÖVP (21 percent) and the SPÖ (20 percent).

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read the original article here.

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