Protection money extorted

Bubi gang was organized like the Mafia

05.05.2024 21:27

Ten gang members have to stand trial in Vienna. The indictment provides insights into the professionally organized structures.

A fixed hierarchy, successful recruitment strategies and accounting of their income from extortion money - ten young people were criminally well organized. In Vienna-Meidling - around Steinbauerpark, the gang's base - they are said to have spread fear and terror. And then offered the victims security in exchange for money.

"They wanted to 'earn money' and be 'cool like a gangster', to brag about the attacks" - writes the Vienna public prosecutor's office in its 133-page indictment. It gives a detailed insight into the highly professional structures of the gang - led by an 18-year-old and a 16-year-old. They were referred to as "the big ones" by those lower in the gang. Just below them: the 16-year-old "head of department at Steinbauerpark", defended by lawyer Florian Kreiner. The "Crackys" formed the end of the gang, which called itself the "Tokarev protection money mafia".

A blackmail letter from the youths (Bild: Landespolizeidirektion Wien)
A blackmail letter from the youths
The gang carried out several arson attacks. (Bild: Landespolizeidirektion Wien)
The gang carried out several arson attacks.

Arson attacks, robbery
Particularly targeted by the blackmailers from September 2023: the "Telefon-Inder", an operator of a cell phone store in the 12th district. Three arson attacks with Molotov cocktails and pyrotechnics, an armed robbery and a blackmail letter with an assault rifle cartridge were intended to persuade the store owner to pay 25,000 euros. However, the gang members were arrested beforehand.

It seems to have been clear to them that they would end up in court for this, as was the case in Vienna on May 17: "They'll get life in prison anyway after this firecracker," wrote one gang leader.

Although this is not possible due to the age of the accused, long prison sentences are ...

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