Embarrassing or logical?

“Jumping over shadows”: Tuchel turnaround at Bayern?

04.05.2024 13:13

Is another spectacular turnaround in the coaching situation at FC Bayern imminent? After Thomas Tuchel did not rule out staying on in the run-up to the match against Stuttgart on Saturday (3.30 pm), the club's managers are now said to be giving it serious thought. But is a continued collaboration even possible?

"With contracts like this, anything is always possible," explained Tuchel at the press conference ahead of his Bayern game against Stuttgart. A scenario that was actually considered unthinkable in view of the repeated public mud-slinging. But apparently it is no longer.

Christoph Freund (left) and Max Eberl can apparently imagine Tuchel staying. (Bild: APA/AFP/POOL/THILO SCHMUELGEN, GEPA)
Christoph Freund (left) and Max Eberl can apparently imagine Tuchel staying.

According to Sky reports, both sporting director Max Eberl and sporting director Christoph Freund are not averse to the idea. Tuchel could therefore stay in Munich for another season after all. Following the rejection of several preferred coaches in recent weeks, this would be both a logical option and a further blow for the record champions.

However, there have not yet been any talks between Tuchel and the bosses. Instead, the scenario is to be discussed internally. In this case, however, those responsible would have to "jump over their own shadow and apologize to Tuchel as one", according to Sky.

Hoeneß spat and Neuer support
Not an insignificant hurdle when you consider the recent spat between the 50-year-old and Bayern patron Uli Hoeneß. CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen also let it be known before the Champions League first leg against Real (2:2) that at least he does not seem to be planning any further with Tuchel: "I think we are all aware that there is only one goal now, namely to get to the final. And when we get that far, hopefully we'll also take care of winning. Then we'll be happy together and go our separate ways.

Internally, some players, such as captain Manuel Neuer, are said to have campaigned to stay. Nevertheless, it is difficult to imagine that Tuchel will stay with the record champions beyond the summer - but it is no longer completely out of the question.

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