Several exhibitions

Schlaining Castle prepares for new experiences

04.05.2024 09:00

In Schlaining, work on the new exhibitions is in full swing. They will open on May 9.

As part of the anniversary year 2021, the town of peace has become a cultural and historical hotspot in southern Burgenland. Following the general renovation of the castle, the synagogue and the main square, the anniversary exhibition on the occasion of "100 Years of Burgenland", together with other cultural attractions and offers in the area of peace, attracted more than 150,000 visitors to Schlaining by the end of last year. In a further phase, the province of Burgenland is now developing the site further and has invested a further 7.5 million euros.

"From the fortified castle to the Friedensburg"
Work is currently in full swing on the new Friedensburg exhibition "From the fortified castle to the Friedensburg". It will be opened on May 9, following a renovation and redesign phase. However, this will not be the only exhibition, as the "Castle Stories" museum awaits visitors on the first floor, where they can learn all about the history and stories of the castle's foundation. The exhibition "Burgenland from 1921" deals with the political, economic and cultural development of Burgenland in a compact form. A further exhibition area will be dedicated to the topic of "Burgenland today". Visitors can also look forward to an extraordinary exhibition experience that combines historical insights and cultural diversity with the local focus on peace and democracy.

A variety of exhibition worlds are currently being created at Friedensburg Stadtschlaining. (Bild: Schulter Christian)
A variety of exhibition worlds are currently being created at Friedensburg Stadtschlaining.
(Bild: Schulter Christian)
(Bild: Schulter Christian)

The work being carried out directly in the castle is nearing completion. Governor Hans Peter Doskozil visited the castle during the final phase of construction work to get an idea of the new exhibition concepts: "The intensive examination of the topics of peace and democracy, which unfortunately also have a sad topicality, is highly relevant in socio-political terms," said Doskozil.

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