In case it does smoke

Despite booking flop: Police prepared for GTI fans

18.04.2024 06:00

Calm before the storm? The police in Carinthia do not want to be surprised by a sudden rush of cars.

One man's joy, another man's sorrow: the current booking situation would indeed suggest that there will be no unofficial meeting of GTI fans in Carinthia this year. Most local residents are happy, but hoteliers and restaurateurs are complaining about the lack of income. The police, who have been keeping an eye on the relevant social media platforms for weeks, are also not expecting a huge rush.

Nevertheless, they don't trust the supposed "booking calm" - and don't want to be surprised. "It was a lot quieter last year and nothing major is likely to happen this year either, at least as far as we know at the moment. Nevertheless, we are of course prepared for all eventualities," assures Adolf Winkler, head of the provincial traffic department, in an interview with Krone.

Tactics of the GTI fans?
"It will be interesting around Ascension Day - on the weekends before and after. However, if the weather had been good, we could have expected harbingers as early as next weekend. However, the forecasts are not so inviting." It cannot be ruled out that GTI fans will arrange to arrive and book accommodation at short notice - in order to stir up as little dust as possible in advance. In any case, the police would have no problem if there were no tires squealing and smoking around Lake Wörthersee and Lake Faak.

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