A bizarre deal

Break-up costs 467 euros through “break-up maker”

14.04.2024 07:00

A bizarre business model: Peter Treichel calls himself a "break-up maker" and will end your relationship for money. If you opt for the "final separation" package, you pay 467 euros. Will this actually be used? The "Krone" asked Treichel.

Peter Treichel is a matchmaker. Nothing unusual - but his second mainstay is much more bizarre. He calls himself "The break-up maker" and ends relationships on behalf of his clients. So if you don't have the guts to personally draw a line under your love life, simply send Treichel ahead.

With this service, you can choose between three packages: "Last Chance" and "Final Breakup" cost 467 euros each, while the "Luxury Breakup" is only available on request. "I just deliver the message. Most people have already said goodbye to each other inside," says the Salzburg native, who has a bottle of bubbly, chocolates and tissues ready in his suitcase for the dramatic minutes, as well as the final words.

Champagne, chocolates and tissues are included. (Bild: zVg)
Champagne, chocolates and tissues are included.

Voucher after separation
Sounds grotesque, and it is. But it's much more absurd that he gives away a voucher from his own dating agency at the same time as the break-up. All under the motto: Off to a new adventure! "I'll take the old man with me and introduce you to a new one at the same time," is how he explains his business model. A true professional ...

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