Clean naturally

Spring cleaning without chemicals

14.04.2024 06:00

Spring is the best time to give your home a thorough clean. But you don't need to resort to "toxic" cleaning products. If you want to spruce up your home now, you only need a few products, preferably of organic quality. You can also easily make your own cleaners.

It's blooming and twittering outside, but the more intense sunshine now also brings out more dust and dirt in the home. A thorough spring clean is the order of the day! "When it comes to ecological cleaning, it is not only important to use environmentally friendly products, but also to use them correctly. Then the rooms will be clean with minimal use of chemicals," emphasizes Sandra Papes, cleaning expert at "die umweltberatung".

Vinegar and lemon as aids
Vinegar or citric acid-based cleaners are suitable for sanitary facilities because they dissolve limescale well. In the kitchen, the grease-dissolving effect of dishwashing detergent is sufficient to clean surfaces. For floors, it is best to use a mild all-purpose cleaner.

Tips for allergy sufferers: Clean windows according to the pollen count forecast: choose days with a low pollen count. Against house dust, vacuum first, then mop. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.

Clean water for windows and fittings
Water is often sufficient for light soiling, without any cleaning agents. Fittings and glass surfaces can be made to shine quickly and effectively with a moistened microfiber cloth. For coarser dirt, a splash of washing-up liquid or an ecological glass cleaner will help.

Heavy, greasy dirt, such as in the oven, does not require special cleaning agents, but time. If you leave dishwashing liquid or neutral detergent to work overnight, it will be easier to remove the dirt the next day.

Making your own four walls shine in a very easy and "natural" way. (Bild: rainbow33/
Making your own four walls shine in a very easy and "natural" way.

The "" platform recommends five sustainable "cleaning wonders" that you can make yourself:

  • To make scouring milk, you need a standard packet of baking soda, 1 tbsp of citric acid and 1 tsp of cornstarch.
  • Window and tile cleaner: Mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Washing-up liquid: Grate some curd soap, dissolve in hot water and add 1 tbsp bicarbonate of soda.
  • All you need to get pots and dishes clean is 1 tablespoon of citric acid and 200 ml of warm water.
  • Bathroom cleaner: 50 g citric acid to 200 ml warm water, add 1 splash of washing-up liquid.
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