Up to 30 degrees warm

Summer heat in the middle of spring

06.04.2024 16:00

April got off to an exceptionally warm start with plenty of sunshine and temperatures of up to 30 degrees.

Bright sunshine and partly cloudless skies. This was the weather in Vienna on the first weekend in April, giving us a first taste of summer. The warm foehn wind from the Sahara ensured record-breaking temperatures of up to 30 degrees in an otherwise moody April.

The ice cream parlors were stormed. (Bild: klemens groh)
The ice cream parlors were stormed.

The Viennese certainly enjoyed the mini summer on Saturday with 25.6 degrees. The whole city was on its feet. The blooming Prater attracted the Viennese seeking relaxation. Many recreational athletes were also out and about on the Danube Island. The pavement cafés, which had just started the season, were well frequented and the ice cream parlors were stormed.

One man's joy, another man's sorrow: the dry and warm weather also brought a lot of stress for pollen allergy sufferers, as the first grasses are already in the air! But according to Geosphere Austria (ZAMG), it is set to remain unusually warm in the coming days. In isolated cases, temperatures of up to 30 degrees are possible again tomorrow, Sunday and Monday.

The Danube Island has also been busy. The leisure oasis is particularly popular with sports enthusiasts. (Bild: TOBIAS STEINMAURER / APA / picturedesk.com)
The Danube Island has also been busy. The leisure oasis is particularly popular with sports enthusiasts.

It will remain warm and sunny until Tuesday
Tuesday should be around 25 degrees. The weather is not forecast to change until next Wednesday. In addition to numerous dense clouds, there may be little sunshine until the evening. In addition, at least brief rain showers are to be expected from time to time. Incidentally, the highest temperature ever recorded in Vienna in April was 31.2 degrees in the Innere Stadt on April 30, 2012.

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