New temperature record

Up to 30 degrees: Styrians unpack their swimming trunks

06.04.2024 15:30

Never before have 30 degrees been expected so early in the year. Throughout Styria, record temperatures are just around the corner on Sunday - driving many people to the park or even the swimming pool. The meteorologist explains why such heat records are being set and why we shouldn't get used to them.

People are enjoying the sun in Graz's parks and the first Styrians are starting the swimming season. Spring is not only officially open this weekend, it is also breaking all records: "We are very likely to see the first 30 degrees in Styria on Sunday," says Ubimet meteorologist Nikolas Zimmermann.

The Styrian leader could be Hieflau in the Gesäuse. "Although it will be summery warm across the board with temperatures of up to 29 degrees, the highest values are expected in Upper Styria," says Zimmermann. In the south, it will be "comparatively cool" at 27 degrees. In general, Styrians will have to wait until the afternoon to sunbathe, as the day will start with only ten degrees in Graz or even four degrees in Ennstal, which is typical for spring.

But why the early high temperatures? Never before since measurements began has the 30-degree mark been reached so early in the year. "An area of low pressure over the Atlantic is currently causing a pronounced south-westerly current. Warm air masses from North Africa are therefore reaching Austria," explains Zimmermann. Added to this are foehn winds, which become even stronger at the start of the week.

April, April, it does what it wants
But don't be fooled by the high temperatures. While Monday will remain warm, Styrians can expect a cold front on Tuesday evening. Although the precipitation will be limited, temperatures will plummet. "On Wednesday, it will only be twelve to 20 degrees," says Zimmermann. The ups and downs that are typical of April.

The meteorologist explains the peculiarities of the "moody month" as follows: "North and west currents often alternate in April. Depending on the current, different air masses reach us, sometimes from Scandinavia, sometimes from North Africa." Low pressure areas are also not uncommon at this time of year. "From the middle of the month, a northerly mass could approach us again. A lot can still happen between now and the ice saints anyway," says the expert.

Temperature records as a sign of climate change
Although the back and forth in April is normal, the temperature highs are not at all. We've seen jumps of up to 10 degrees, but in the mountains, temperatures have remained 15 degrees above average. "The current temperature level is at a record high. February and March were already the warmest since measurements began, and now we're expecting the first hot day in April. This is definitely due to climate change," says Zimmermann.

Nevertheless, the Styrians are trying not to let these developments dampen their spirits and are opening the bathing season. Maria Reinisch from the beach bar at Schwarzlsee says: "Many people are lying in the sun in the nudist area and a few are already going swimming. The April weather took us by surprise, but we're ready to go." However, with water temperatures between eleven and 18 degrees, jumping in probably still takes some effort.

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