"Hosi" at coaching course

Violet full-blooded striker mutates into a coach

28.03.2024 09:00

Philipp Hosiner is back in the classroom. He is cramming for his UEFA B license at the ÖFB coach training course in Lindabrunn. The Austrian is "having a lot of fun".

If just one player becomes like he was - and still is - Philipp Hosiner will do a lot of things right as a coach. Which the violet full-blooded striker is slowly but surely mutating into. "Hosi" is back at the "school bench" in the current coach training course.

"A great experience, I'm really enjoying it," says the 34-year-old. He has shown himself to be just as meticulous and professional at the ÖFB training center in Lindabrunn in recent days as he is on the pitch as an active footballer. Where he is cramming for his UEFA B license alongside Marc Janko, Andi Ivanschitz, Martin Hinteregger, Andi Ulmer and co.

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This is a course for professional players who have played at least 150 Bundesliga games. There are already some familiar faces there.

Philipp Hosiner über „Kurs-Kollegen“

"This is a course for professional players who have played at least 150 Bundesliga matches. So there are some familiar faces there," says Hosiner. He is the absolute leader of the Young Violets' Eastern League squad, where he also acts as an extension of coach Stephan Helm.

"He's a professional through and through. Hosi is also a real asset for the young lads, they look up to him," says Helm about his leading player, who has also led sessions for the Violets' youngsters (U13, U14).
"I'm still going on"
Nevertheless, the Eisenstadt native is trying to soak up everything on the training course and continue to develop. "The aim here is to take the first, important steps for my coaching career." In addition to some theory units such as self-reflection, pedagogy and psychology, Hosiner and Co. also coached teams for the first time. "Academy teams from Austria and Admira were there. We had the task of acting as coaches in the practical part, we had to train them, so to speak."

Certainly not for the last time. In November, the (ex-)Bundesliga footballers have to take their final exam. "But after that I'll carry on," says the attacker, aiming for his A license. And perhaps making the leap from the East to the Bundesliga on the pitch again? "There have been no talks about that."

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