FPÖ in first place, but:

“Whoever comes second will provide the Federal Chancellor”

19.03.2024 12:03

Former Tyrolean ÖVP governor Herwig van Staa has made a bold prediction regarding the upcoming National Council elections in the fall. He sees the FPÖ in first place, but: "It will depend on whether Chancellor Karl Nehammer or SPÖ leader Andreas Babler comes out on top. That will decide who becomes chancellor," believes the 81-year-old. All other constellations are "inconceivable".

Van Staa spoke out in favor of a coalition between the People's Party and the SPÖ. Such a "stable two-party coalition", if it worked out, would be the best option in times like these, he said on Tuesday. The former provincial leader saw the FPÖ in first place in the election, while it was crucial for the ÖVP to come second.

Three-party coalition as an alternative
If the "Grand Coalition" does not win a majority on its own, it will probably come down to a three-party coalition with either the NEOS or the Greens, predicted the former Tyrolean governor from 2002 to 2008. If the ÖVP comes second and there is no majority with Red, the NEOS would probably be added, if the SPÖ comes first, the Greens - but that is still "coffee grounds" at the moment.

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A stable two-party coalition of ÖVP and SPÖ, if it works out, is the best option in times like these.

Herwig van Staa (Bild: APA/EXPA/ ERICH SPIESS)

Der frühere Tiroler ÖVP-Landeshauptmann Herwig van Staa

"Always a grand coalition member"
He has "always been a grand coalitionist", explained the 81-year-old, who has never had any fear of contact with the FPÖ, at least in Austria. In the current situation - "after the crises" - that would certainly be the best thing. Herwig van Staa did not want to comment on the fact that Nehammer had ruled out a coalition with the FPÖ under federal party leader Herbert Kickl, except to say: "I consider this decision to be absolutely necessary for tactical reasons."

Van Staa stands up for Tursky
Incidentally, the former governor and mayor of Innsbruck is symbolically running in 80th place in the "Das Neue Innsbruck" alliance of mayoral candidate and former ÖVP state secretary Florian Tursky for the Innsbruck municipal elections. He is "simply the best" for the city. Van Staa was also very optimistic that the 35-year-old will make it to the run-off election on April 14 and ultimately succeed Green Party mayor Georg Willi.

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